From the popular anime series "Haikyu!!" comes a rerelease of the Nendoroid of the Karasuno High School Volleyball Team's 'Clever Blocker ' - Kei Tsukishima! He comes with three expression parts including a standard face, a serious face as well as a condescending smirk.
He also comes a variety of optional parts that allow you to recreate popular scenes from the series, as well as a volleyball and a base made in the image of a volleyball court. Headphones as well as his sports glasses are also included as optional parts. Enjoy the clever Tsukki in various different situations from the series!
Product Features
- Approximately 3.94 inches (10cm)
- Made of plastic
- Based on the Haikyuu!! anime series
- Part of the Nendoroid line
- Comes with accessories for added customization
Box Contents
- Kei Tsukishima figure
- 3 Face parts
- Standard
- Serious
- Condescending Smirk
- Volleyball
- Volleyball court base
- Headphones
- Sports glasses
- Bent arms
- Bent legs
- Stand
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