The Fullmetal Alchemist manga-turned-anime is famous for its steampunk style, which merges retro-futuristic themes from the industrial revolution and science fiction. As such, the design of the character renderings—such as hair, clothing, and tools—is quite unique. If you want to cultivate a retro-futuristic collection, then Fullmetal Alchemist toys are the way to go.
Whether you need Fullmetal Alchemist gifts for a friend or Fullmetal Alchemist Pop! Vinyl for your own shelves, we have all you need at Shumi Toys & Gifts. Start your collection with the brotherhood and expand to the other characters. Find Fullmetal Alchemist toys and figures of Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Winry Rockbell, Roy Mustang, and more!